sabrina@bina life`s

Disini ku mencurah segalanya...tentang hidupku... semangatku, perjuanganku serta cintaku.

Get as much done the 2/3rd as you can since your stars show a real 'shuffle/scramble' is likely the 4/5th as requests for you time, several errands, a mini-crisis, big opportunity and/or unexpected duty is likely to hit town for you and/or multiple members, especially if you have Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Sagittarius or Virgo members in the household. A enjoyable gathering is likely for the 6th to 8th and may be one of those 'everything happens for the best' situations.

You are prone to 'assess and evaluate' near the 2nd. Give it time before taking action. Romance takes on a lot more emotion and even some rather 'steamy energies' as we near the 6th to 8th, especially where matched to Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aries, other Scales, Aquarius or Sagittarius. Requests for upgrades and more commitment are likely. Some Libras may become pregnant at this time, so I hope you are planning or wishing for it. IF not, take precautions 'more than normally.' Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friends and invitations blend well this week and you may find yourself on the roster for some rather important or milestone events in the lives of pals. Being included in their 'family gatherings' is also likely, so make sure you ask all the appropriate questions and bring or make offerings.

Power people may be more on your side this week than you would ultimately like them to be and being 'handed' bigger assignments with weightier responsibilities is likely, especially in 'overseeing' things a distance away, in any expansion efforts or in the communications, health, medical, funeral, investment, banking or real estate industries. Having to 'make a report,' travel or do a 'live demonstration' of some kind is possible near the 4th to 6th.
